Archive for 2017
byHilda Strauss 04/04/2017
Este es un tema apasionante, que debe ser tratado con mucha objetividad, pues, existen todo tipo de reacciones, unas de susto e incredibilidad y otras de escepticismo o completa naturalidad.
byHilda Strauss 03/31/2017
Does meditation change our personality?
Meditation is a heritage of humanity that has nothing to do with certain groups, sects or religious tendencies. It has been practiced since forever and is the main resource of...
byHilda Strauss 03/31/2017
One of the most prominent figures of the Hermetic sciences of all times is, without a doubt, Helena Pretonila Blavatsky. She was one of the souls responsible for bringing to the West the spirituality of the East,...
byHilda Strauss 03/31/2017
Out of the great cultural and religious currents of the world, all kinds of sub-currents, sects and divisions have formed. It is a delicate and difficult subject to handle, as there is a latent anxiety in people to...
byHilda Strauss 03/22/2017
Near the Karnak temple in Luxor, Egypt, a wonderful door carved in pink marble was found.
byHilda Strauss 03/22/2017
Everything we see with our human eyes has a color, which corresponds to a very small spectrum, called the "visible spectrum". But the truth is that there are many others beyond this one. There is ultraviolet,...
byHilda Strauss 03/22/2017
It is a fact that around the world there are countless private collections of ancient documents and objects. And, although we would not want it to be so, it is a reality that has helped to preserve valuable jewels of...
byHilda Strauss 03/22/2017
Todo lo que conocemos y hemos oído de Marte es increíble y maravilloso. Desde que llegaron las primeras sondas exploradoras, se han obtenido toda clase de imágenes y evidencias de construcciones realizadas por...
Aceite esencial para año nuevo
byHilda Strauss 03/22/2017
El día de Año Nuevo, tanto el 31 de diciembre como el 4 de febrero, ocurre una situación muy especial: nuestra mente alcanza un nivel máximo de atención, circunstancia que es importantísima para los trabajos de...